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How about REDUCING chatroom size?
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Messaggio How about REDUCING chatroom size? 
I saw a previous post about people complaining about chat being limited to 50 users, and how there were more complaints about it being too slow with 70 users. Well, I'm complaining that even with 50 users, it is still too slow and too many issues.

So, why not consider reducing the room size to about 30 or 35? Lets be completely honest, I'd say that on average at any given time there are only about a dozen people who are on audio or video, and maybe another dozen actively chatting in the forum, most of them being the same people who are on audio or video. Everybody else there is just lurking, or worse, trolling.

And if most of the people in a room are actually sending whispers, then how about they just go off to IM for private conversations instead of clogging up the chatroom?

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As you have noticed, We experimented with 70 people then with 40 people. Each time the feedback was go for 50 people. Anybody else have a view on this?

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I totally agree with Kyxtian... You shuld lower the maximum to 30 people to see if the lagging stops... And if it does, then keep it that way...

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I also am in agreement...the lagging seems to happen most though when people are desperately clicking to get into a already full chatroom....don't know if it would make any difference because of that.

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We will reduce the chat room size.

We might consider removing the gender symbols as they seem to slow down the system.

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If the gender symbols are slowing the site I say get rid of them. A person just about has to click on those with cams anyway to see what may or may not be going on no matter what the gender.
Let me tell ya i've seen plenty of things i didn't want to see clicking on the male gender cams. 8O
I've also seen some pretty good shows :wink: lol
Just my two cents :)

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Messaggio Chat........... 
Ok admin....you listened you responed and for that we are thankful.

The lag doesn't seem to have improved any with the lowering of chat numbers(in my opinion) and has been really bad the past week or two(the worst i've ever known it) with what the regulars chatters are calling the rolling scrolling lag..which includes having large blank spaces suddenly pop up then disappear again..it's making the room difficult to read at times.Rolling Eyes

I say do away with the gender symbols if you think it will improve things...will make sure to report back here to you on any improvements in the performance of the chat rooms,rather than make a new thread..so keep a watch on this one.


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IMO the problem that I've seen with the "rolling lag" (that is, the chatroom lags, but instead of incremental pauses you see all the text scrolling by at an extremely slow rate, and you cannot control the right-hand scrollbar because of it) looks to be a different type of issue from the lag previously experienced when the rooms allowed 50 users. Possibly more annoying than the other types of lag. :-(

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Room size should have an effect, because when we increased the sized to 70 a few months back there was a noticeable difference and we got a lot of complaints. We will try the gender symbols but IT aren't sure that will change anything.

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Messaggio woooohoooo!!! 
Admin...removing the join/leave notifications in chat has seemed to speed things up.... the removal of the gendercons seemed to make no difference so can we have them back please???

Thanks Jelly..xx

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Yup it's speeded things up a bit and you seemed to have squeezed more bandwith from it....as for the gendercons they are static so would never ever have made any difference to the lag so why not just put them back .there ya go fellows a little tchno advice free of charge but next time it costs ya hehehhehe

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trustinme, whilst your advice is still free, perhaps you can recommend an alternative platform?

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I agree with Jelly. The lag is not as bad as it was before. I feel kinda naked without my pink icon.

Flash me your ink and I shall flash you my tits!
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As a computer engineer yes i could but i'm not becuse whatever happens someone will complain,and i ain.t getting me arse dragged through the mud,it's called a hidding to nothing.i've used userplane loads and all i can think of without any recommendations is to increase bandwith by say 25% that would do nicely cheers

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