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a big turn off
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Messaggio a big turn off 
I want to share a strong turn off we have experienced here. Believe it or not it has been ladies that were the bad guy in a couples profile posts. Seems like men were just going along with it to please the ladies, and not get stink eye for looking at other naked women. I know, right? We have experienced a lady would say things completely opposite from their profile posts. Some wanted to be super bossy and if you didn't do what she wanted she would be rude. Even better got pissed off and then blocked us~~~ funny thing is we really weren't stimulated , or pursuing them. Another news flash ~~ not all men like big breasts. They like seeing a variety ~~ shapes and sizes, nipple and aureola differences etc. Another thing to consider please~~~ if you are so selective of who sees what you do and post~~~~~ maybe this isn't a place for you.
I find pics and vids relay a comfort of others to share and if you are stimulated by their profile- you PM or send friend request.
Just food for though,

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We are happy to share this has not happen again since

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