malpat28 blog

i recently had to get measured for my kilt and other stuff for my best friends wedding.He was very meticulous as he was measuring sock(SOCK) length, sporran weight for carrying essentials cigs money etc.and so on.He put his arms around my waist to measure me and i was in heaven! He then asked if i was going to wear anything under it (Jocks dont!) White panties i said!!! "You would suit red to match you're hair "he said matter of fact and ushered me back into the cubicle and produced a pair of panties from his pocket and made me step into them only to admire us in the mirrors from all angles. My red panties did suit me under my kilt and my new mate has my unworn white ones probably telling the next one "you would suit white to match you're hair" !!!
  •  malpat28
  • Interessi:
  • Sesso
  • Uomo
  • Occupazione:
  • Data di nascita:
  • Gennaio 1958
  • Gruppo etnico:
  • Bianco
  • Situazione personale:
  • Relazione aperta
  • Attitudini sessuali:
  • Gay
  • Fumatore/fumatrice:
  • Si
  • Altezza:
  • Corporatura:
  • Corporatura media
  • Preferenze sessuali:
  • Normale
  • Educazione:
  • Scuola superiore
  • nazionalità:
  • United Kingdom
  • Paese di residenza:
  • United Kingdom
  • Stato, provincia o regione:
  • Città o paese:
  • Data di iscrizione:
  • 2009-09-27
  • Ultima visita:
  • Devi acquistare un'iscrizione per visualizzare queste informazioni.
  • Disponibile per Incontri:
  • Si
Niente fino ad adesso.
  •   347
  •  31/10/09
  •  40%
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