oneidpete blog

1 Month without Porn

Hello again, it's been almost a month since I've last been here.  We've had not one, but two families staying in our house for the past 4 weeks!  I've not been able to masturbate to online porn in about a month.  I think the first week or so was the most difficult, but gradually I was able to use my imagination in the shower to bring myself off, usually about once every 4 or so days.  I'm alone in the house right now, but only for the next few hours, so I've got to get as much porn in as possible.  I've got to fill my eyes up, so I can fill my cock up, so to speak!  I'm looking forward to a nice 2 hour session before I've got to switch off.  I'm off to the usual web sites, so it's by for now all!  Keep on stroking!

Marathon Masturbation & Cams

Last night I had a monster session of masturbating and edging.  I started at about 6pm, and didn't stop until I had my big O at about 3:30am!  At one point, while waiting for a slow web site to load I actually fell asleep for a few minutes!  Sometimes long sessions like that are a bit annoying, I get so worked up and get so close to cumming for some many times that eventually I find it difficult to find the "perfect picture" or "perfect video" with which to have my final release.  Have you ever had that happen to you?  I also tried my cam again last night, I hadn't used my cam in several years, and although I did get a peek at one very hot couple that was doing some teasing just before turning off the camera to go do their dirty deeds, most of what I saw was either other horney guys like me, hunting for a hot chick to cam with, or rather PG rated boob shows.  I'm not complaining, camming can be fun if you're in the mood, but I found it required a bit more work than me just hunting for the perfect photo or video with which to cum to.  What about you?  Do you like camming, or do you find it a bit too much effort and just do it every now and then?

My Hotel Masturbation Experience

My hot masturbation experience.

Several years ago I was traveling and staying in a hotel in Vancouver.  After a long day being at a conference, I went to bed in my room as usual.  I woke up later that night, not sure why, and slowly came to realize I could hear a rythmic "bump" "bump" "bump" coming from the wall right behind my head.  As soon as I realized what I might be hearing, I became fully away and carefully got to my knees in the bed, and pressed my head to the wall.  What I heard was so hot!  I could clearly hear a couple in the room next to mine making love! 

I could hear the woman's soft moans with each "bump" of their bed against my wall!  My cock got instantly hard, and not having any clothes on I began stroking my cock as I pressed my ear against the wall and listened to them.  The bumping slowly got faster and faster, and the woman's moans became louder and louder.  When she started saying "oh yess!" oh yeah baby! Give it to me!" I almost came.  But I decided that I just had to wait for their orgasm, and then I would shoot my load.  The problem was, I had nothing to shoot in!  Thinking quickly, I grabbed my underwear that was next to the bed and quickly went pressed my ear to the wall again. 

The woman starting moaning very loudly, and then screamed "oh God, I'm going to cum, yes, fuck me hard, I'm cumming!"  The bumping against the wall was very fast, and with my heart racing and my cock as hard as it has ever been I shot a huge load of cum into my underwear!  After that, the noises stopped, and I fell over into bed exhausted and feeling very warm from my huge cum. 

From that day on, whenever I stay in a hotel I always listen for the sound of that old, familiar "bump" "bump" and hope to masturbate again to a couple having sex in the next room!  What about you?  Have you ever masturbated in a hotel or motel room?

A real short poem

Well, with all the poetry around here, and because I've got a house full of visitors and have NO time these days, here's a REAL quick poem for you all, I hope you like it!

Hot legs

Tight buns

Ultra sexy

when she cums

Later all, have a hot day!

My slow-motion video for your enjoyment

OK, let's try this.  It's been suggested that I place my latest video in my blog.  Never tried that before, but what the heck, we're all interested in trying new things here at Yuvutu, right?

I'm going to see if I can figure out how to use this new video feature to put my slow motion video in here.

I hope you enjoy (and can see this!)

PS - Please let me know what you think!

Slow Motion Cum Video

So I posted my slow motion cum video, you can see it here:

I put the slow motion part first, then I have the regular speed version of the cum after the slow motion part.  It made me horny just editing the tape, I actually masturbated to my slow motion cum several times before it was finally ready!  On a scientific note, I'm always amazed at how high and fast the male body can shoot sperm!  When I was much younger, I had to be careful where I aimed or the sperm might have ended up almost anywhere, including once actually on the ceiling!  Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video too!

My latest masturbation video

My latest masturbation video has been uploaded and awaits your pleasure.  I hope you like it.  I had shaved my cock and balls so you'll see me all slick and ready for some good stroking!  You can watch the video here (, please feel free to comment!  And, if you like that, you may like what's coming next!  I'm editing that cum, slowing the motion way down so you can see every shoot of sperm in slow delicious detail.  Watch for that soon!  Enjoy!

Uploading latest masturbation video

Hi all, I'm back!   And just to show you how much I missed you all I'm in the process of uploading my latest video, I hope it makes you hot!  I recently shaved my cock and balls one day when I was home alone, and decided to video the whole thing.  Well, after shaving it clean, I just had to get my baby oil out and start stroking my cock in front of the camera and all of you!  My latest upload is of the final couple of minutes, when hard cock in hand I stroked to a very big cum, with lots of my cum flying all over my chest, cock and the floor.  I hope you masturbate to it and let me know what you think!  Next up, I'm doing some slow-motion of that orgasm, which was amazingly strong!

Gone 2 weeks
I will be gone on Holiday with the family for 2 weeks so will not be posting for a while.  But the good news is I hope to return with many new stories, and am hoping to use this time to have some quality time with my wife.  Bye for now all, will see you when I return.
Uploaded Music Masturbation Video
I uploaded my latest video, which I put together with some brief alone time yesterday.  It's something I was able to put together using the Movie software that came with my PC, so it's simple, but hopefully you'll find it stimulating.  I hope you like it!
Tell us Claret
Okay Claret, here it is in public, I think we are all GREATLY interested in hearing the very hot and juicy details of one of your latest masturbation episodes.  All we ask is a Blog that reveals how you recently satisfied yourself, in sexy detail please.

There, the challenge is out there, will you accept?


Yours in great anticipation

A Quick One
I only have about an hour alone right now, so have to stroke and watch porn quickly (for me anyway).  Won't be able to work on a video or anything, so for now it's just a quick wank and then off to the next series of errands that have to be done on a weekend!  Have fun all you masturbators out there!!
Thursday Night Nada
Nothing much going on today and tonight.  You know how it is sometimes, very busy at work, busy at home and there's just no time for sex.  I might get lucky and have a session this weekend, but there's LOTS going on so perhaps not.  If I find some time, I'm thinking about making another video, this one with a bit of music and effects to it just to make it a bit more interesting.  Or, maybe I should just skip the interesting and go straight for the cum shot LOL.  What do you think?
Last Night
Had an excellent session of masturbation last night, watching several videos here.  Today will be rather dull as there's lots going on so there will be no alone time for a while.
Shower Masturbation Today
I had a BIG explosion in the shower today.  After reading a few hot Blog stories I ran upstairs to get ready for work, and with my erect and very stiff cock knew it was going to be a special morning masturbation in the shower.  I put lots of baby oil all over my cock and left hand (I'm right handed, but for some unknown reason I use my left hand to masturbate, I have NO idea why!) I started stroking my shaft.  Being recently shaved, I was able to slide my hand all the way from the tip of my cock to the base of my shaft, and then slowly back up to the top again.  The water in the shower made the baby oil even more slipper, and my now tightly clenched hand stroked my cock faster and faster.  Pleasure coursed through my brain, going directly from my cock head to some unknown point inside my skull.  I stroked faster and faster, feeling my balls clench tightly to my body as my stiff cock received it's manhandling.  I stopped, momentarily, to avoid my orgasm.  I edged like that for a few more minutes before the gluttony of wanting the release took over, and I quickened my pace on my rock hard and super slippery cock.  My pre-cum juices flowed with the water and baby oil and the slick feeling was just too much.  I clenched my butt cheeks tight, my balls *****, and my cock jerking uncontrollably as hot sperm flew.  UNNNNggghhhhh!  Ungghh! Unggh!  This orgasm was a strong one, and I grunted several times as the waves of pleasure cascaded through my head.  I got weak in the knees for a minute and had to steady myself as slowly the world came back into focus.  WOW that felt good.  Just typing this now is making me hard, and even though my family should be back any minute I've got to unzip my fly, and reach for my stiff cock, to start pleasuring it.  Mmmmmm!
Morning Masturbation to Maxther
This morning before going to work I decided to do a quickie, and started watching some of Maxther's videos.  The sexiness just oozes, she does a great job of being hot and sexy!  It didn't take me long to get real excited watching her getting excited, and I exploded a load just when she hit her peak on her Alone Again video.  Good stuff!!
Monday Night Masturbation Update
Our visiting family finally left, and last night the rest of my family was out, so I had a chance for some nice alone time.  I spent time surfing the various Friends of friends here on yuvutu, watching the videos and favorite videos of some of the other people here.  I ended up having a wonderful orgasm after watching several videos from lovemonkeys.  Nice!
My first orgasm
What was your first orgasm like? I was a bit of a late bloomer, when finally I had my first orgasm and shot a load of cum. I was about 14, and I had been rubbing my cock in my sheets for many years, enjoying the feeling of my hard cock sliding on my sheets. I humped my sheets, but without really understanding what I was doing. When I was 13, I got very scared because some liquid leaked out of my cock, and I didn't know what it was, although I did know it wasn't urine. Then, during one of the many bull-sessions of talking about girls and sex, a buddy of mine mentioned he used to masturbate and cum into a towel. He asked me where I came. I had no idea what he was talking about! My blank stare caught him by surprise and he laughed at me, saying I was such a dork and didn't even know what masturbation was. Well, that night I decided to find out. I rubbed my stiff cock on the sheets, but the friction hurt too much and I stopped. Hmmm, what else could I rub my cock against? I was so horny, that I went all around the house looking for something suitable to rub on. Eventually I wandered into my parents bathroom and low and behold, mom had a rug on the bathroom floor of long white soft mohair. I got down on the soft, slick rug and rubbed my cock, the feeling was intense. I kept going, and pretty soon that liquid starting coming out. I bravely kept going, and then after only another minute or two an intense feeling gripped me. My balls got super tight, and my cock felt like it was going to burst from intense pleasure, my brain reeled in the feeling of the beginning of my first orgasm. I kept rubbing, my white butt churning up and down as my cock slid across the slipper mohair. The spasms caught me, and I came for the first time. Ahhhh! The feeling of sexual release and the feel of my cock as it shot out my hot cum were an incredible rush. I had to clean up my white cum as best I could, and from that moment on I was hooked on the feeling of having that orgasmic rush. I spent much alone time humping that rug, before I finally transitioned to my next rubbing tool, my plastic-covered pillow. But more on that in another blog! What was your first orgasm like?
Monday Morning Shower Masturbating
It's another Monday, and I'm horny and ready for some good stroking in the shower.  Because I shaved my cock and balls the baby oil I will lube my cock with will allow me to slide my slippery hands up and down the length of my shaft, all the way to the base of my cock.  That gives me that extra sensation of smooth, sleek stroking that feels so good.  My cock is always extra hard in the shower, I think because of the pulsing hot water and the slippery baby oil.  I usually stroke almost until I cum, then slow down my stroking until the feeling builds again and I start stroking faster again.  I can always tell when I'm about to cum as my balls clench and I get a feeling of intense pleasure directly around the tip of my glans, which is hard-wired directly to the pleasure center in my brain.  My slippery hand spends more time around the head, then my balls spasm and the sperm flies up and out my cock all over the shower wall.  My cock stays hard sometimes for quite a while afterwards, with spasms that slowly dwindle until I'm left with a feeling of calm satisfaction.  Is anyone else here a shower masturbation fan?
Shaved tonight
Tonight while in the shower I decided to shave my cock and balls.  Not sure why, perhaps so that if I got the video camera out for another session there would be a bit more to see, maybe just to feel smooth, slick skin all the way along my cock and down my balls.  I left my hair above my cock, I've learned that it's just too itchy and scratchy going completely bald, and letting the hair grow back.  What about you, do you shave?
Zero Masturbation
Have done no masturbation at all this week, as with family in town and lots of other activities there's been zero alone time.  Probably just as well, as with a week of no cumming it makes for a big build-up, like a dam of cum waiting to burst.  Anyway, the big news is I should have the chance for some alone time tomorrow, or Sunday, so should be able to do some good stroking soon.  Have you been convinced to go for an unusually long time without cumming?  How did it feel when you finally were able to release?

I like to masturbate while viewing porn.  I'm a big fan of real people.  Any sites you like?  I like uk-exhibitionist and postyourbeaver, among others.
Monday masturbation
Have some alone time for the first time in quite a few days, so of course I'm here in front of my computer viewing the hot Yuvutu videos and stroking.  I've only got a short while, so can't do the usual 2 or 3 hour edging.  Last time I was able to edge for several hours before the family got home, never did cum!  Sometimes I edge for too long and I end up not cumming after 4 or 5 hours of stroking my cock.  Has that ever happened to you?
No masturbation on Tuesday
With all the activity at home, work, and my low sex drive Tuesday was a non-masturbation day.  I did have a good work out this am, which for some reason always makes me sexually more active afterwards.  And since everyone is still asleep in the house, I might be able to masturbate in the shower.  Hmmm, great idea!  I'll check out a few videos here then go and stroke my slippery cock in the shower!  :-)
Monday Shower Masturbation
I don't know why, but I've been very horny these past few days, maybe it's all the sharing I'm doing with you all!  Anyway, even though we have company over and their room is right next to our room, I just had to masturbate this morning.  My usual routine is to slick my cock up good with baby oil in the morning just before jumping in the shower, then stroking my hot, hard and slipper cock until I blow my load all over the shower.  Today because our visitors are staying with us I had to be super quiet.  My room is next to the room they stay in, and I know you can hear through the walls, so I had to cum very quietly in the shower.  My cock was rock hard, and stroking it to the pulsing water and trying to be quiet made it even more exciting for me.  I edged myself a couple of times, but then felt that first quick spasm in my balls that leads to my orgasm.  I stroked myself up and down my slipper shaft, my hand squeezing my cock and my fingers running back and forth on my cock head.  I came hard, and had to hold my breath to keep from moaning.  The cum lasted quite a while, and after I was done I finished my shower, rinsed the jism down the drain, and dressed and went to work.  Not a bad Monday morning, eh?!
Quick Sunday thought
I'm doing a quick update as my family is upstairs and I can't stay on this site longer than a minute.  I'll probably be gone for 3 or 4 days as we have family coming into town to stay with us and so I won't be able to do my 2-3 hour sessions.  I've gotten to the point where I can edge for so long, that I get interrupted before I can finish.  I love the feeling of stroking my cock, stopping my stroking just one or two pumps before going over the edge.  Shoot.  Just typing this is getting my cock hard, and I can't do a darn thing about it right now.  Oh well!  This is the secret pain of a masturbation addict!
Confessions of a Masturbation addict
I love to masturbate, so much so that I have realized just recently that I am a masturbation addict.  I'm a married man, late 40s, with a family and even grandkids now.  I've been married to my wife for over 12 years, but we haven't had sex since late last year.  I probably masturbate about 3 or 4 times a week.  I can't help it, and I don't want to stop.  I love the feeling of my cock as my slippery hands stroke it up and down.   I love to bring myself right to the edge of my orgasm, then back away, then almost to the edge again.  I can do that for hours (although I have a real sore cock if I do).  I can't wait to be alone in the house, like I am now.  I surf my favorite porn sites and stroke my cock and save my favorite images for my big orgasm.  I'm feeling a need to share my deep secret masturbation life with all of you, so I'll do my best to post here from time to time, whenever I'm alone in the house.  Maybe you're reading this because you're like me, addicted to masturbation?  I'm curious if this is rare, or a rather common experience.
  •  oneidpete
  • Interessi:
  • Masturbation
  • Sesso
  • Uomo
  • Occupazione:
  • Manager
  • Data di nascita:
  • Febbraio 1960
  • Gruppo etnico:
  • Bianco
  • Situazione personale:
  • Relazione monogama
  • Attitudini sessuali:
  • Eterosessuale
  • Fumatore/fumatrice:
  • No
  • Altezza:
  • Corporatura:
  • Corporatura media
  • Preferenze sessuali:
  • Normale
  • Educazione:
  • Laurea o equivalente
  • nazionalità:
  • United States
  • Paese di residenza:
  • United States
  • Stato, provincia o regione:
  • Città o paese:
  • Data di iscrizione:
  • 2008-05-31
  • Ultima visita:
  • Devi acquistare un'iscrizione per visualizzare queste informazioni.
  • Disponibile per Incontri:
  • No
 - Cum in Slow Motion
  •   4K
  •  12/08/08
  •  92%
 - OneIdPete Lube Stroke & Cum
  •   5K
  •  07/08/08
  •  73%
 - OneIdPete Masturbation Music Video
  •   3K
  •  22/06/08
  •  77%
 - OneIdPete Masturbates & Shoots A LOT
  •   5K
  •  31/05/08
  •  77%
Niente fino ad adesso.
  • sxb0rzn
  •   United States
      46 anni
  • lil2big
  •   United States
      38 anni
  • lambitus
  •   Brasil
      69 anni
Niente fino ad adesso
Nessuno fino ad ora