cliona83 blog

using this site

27/10/10 fed up with chatline guys asking for pics.. i might as well be upfront and admit.  i cannot pic because i am not pretty, but disfigured, was years in special education, autistic, now in a sheltered job with a buddy to help me.. and have to be discrete.

my new boyfriend is partially sighted, so does not care about my disfigurement,  is much older and wiser than me.  we have great non-penetrative sex, and he does not mind me looking and chatting here, but cannot see it himself.  my buddy says i have the right to do this if i want to, she will not stop me.  so now, knowing the real problem, are there boys and girls out there who are prepared to talk about sex with me and not just want pics? i feel my life has been too sheltered and left me very curious and voyeuristic, longing to know about others sex life and to tell about me.. if so my email is  but i only have a computer at work so cannot do all i want when i want.

1/6/10  great w/e!!!  a great friend i had not seen for ages came up, and she took me to a party at a centre for the blind.  i met a lovely gentle guy there, and ended up staying with him.  we had great sex, just the way i like it, and he was all happy, and so was i.  we are going to keep in touch, (literally too i hope!) so watch this space. today i still feel sexy, and soft.

7/4/10.  ages without an entry!!!  but something important is happening to me.  yuvutu is the best porn site i know that lets me look at such hot vids.  the  surprise for me is the excitement i get from looking at girls   i think there is some bi in me as the guys willies  still make me wet easier.  but no girls ever chat to me on yuvutu, i suppose the piles of fellows with bare willies at attention and a cam get noticed. 

i really am useless with technology and computers.  one of my new house mates tried to show me more, but i got bored.  my one good thing is languages.  i enjoyed my english studies  on the open university. i asked her did she cam, but she is scared of losing her job if anyone recognised her drunk on utube or whatever..  she seems to have no interest in porn sites (unlike me) so i said nothing about yuvutu.  anyway, i decided  ages ago to keep it my real secret, only my buddy knows'  she says not to cam as guys would be unkind because of my problem

i am still insisting i only have nonpenetrative sex.  that way i know i am safe.  its a pain sometimes if a boy gets ratty, but then they get nothing.  my way, they get a jolly good seeing to.  i dont know why i say that.   its ages since i found a man to really talk happy sexy talk to so that i get really wet.  they all think willies will do it but i want the mind as well as the prick!!. 

the more i write, the more i think i must be brave about my bi side.  i will find someone to talk to.  if anyone wants to comment leave me a private message, but guys, i expect thoughtfulness, and girls, sorry if you think me silly

17/11/09  new housemates are a bit prudish.  no chance of fun.  but one guy wanders about in shorts so i get some eye-candy.

3/11/08. no fun like that since.  All but one of the gang sharing my house have left, finished their studies, and the new lot are not seduced by me yet!  One real stud, but has a girlfriend of his own, and I don't think they play games, - no noise from their bedroom yet, anyway.  Maybe I will tell them about this site!  I am still sticking to my rule of nonpenetrative sex only, - why does it annoy so many guys?  With me it is really good!

New job for me too,  so less time and privacy for me to get on here at work. Feeling randy, so must go to chat and see if any guys are there to please me!

7/4/08. Over Easter, I discovered I am a sex champion athlete. Us drinking girls (housemates) found a vid of jap girls playing games and we made up our own --  
1. put squash ball in condom, tie to string of tampon so it swings about 2 ft down, insert tampon, and swing to hit another squash ball towards goal made with wine bottles. 3 of us played and I won
2. tie 2 tampons together about 2 ft apart. insert tampons one in each girl and have a tug of war. I won that one too.
we will definitely play more when we meet again!! oh god we were drunk, but me less than them, i didn't vomit!!

17/3/08 St Paddys day, and my Irish family connections mean guinness and jamesson tonight instead of breezer. I can now find the cams and chat rooms, wish i had a cam, the poor guys out there have little to excite them!!!
thanks to kind words from helpful people especially sexton--- u r a sweet priest, sexton , if i still believed, i would tell u my sins, email me and i will anyway!!!!!!

  •  cliona83
  • Interessi:
  • choir, sexy games, equality, mad
  • Sesso
  • Donna
  • Occupazione:
  • people caring
  • Data di nascita:
  • 1983
  • Gruppo etnico:
  • Situazione personale:
  • Relazione aperta
  • Attitudini sessuali:
  • Bisessuale
  • Fumatore/fumatrice:
  • No
  • Altezza:
  • Corporatura:
  • Corporatura media
  • Preferenze sessuali:
  • Piccolo
  • Educazione:
  • Laurea o equivalente
  • nazionalità:
  • Éire
  • Paese di residenza:
  • United Kingdom
  • Stato, provincia o regione:
  • Città o paese:
  • Data di iscrizione:
  • 2008-02-29
  • Ultima visita:
  • Devi acquistare un'iscrizione per visualizzare queste informazioni.
  • Disponibile per Incontri:
  • No
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