smalldick2 blog

huge plug on nude beach

 my husband was at the beach with a huge butt plug in his hole and just wearing a gstring he was bending over showing a few people around us a mature bbw lady even moved closer and took pictures he later took it out and fisted himself a few times with the lady looking lubed his ass with vasiline and took a water bottle inserted it all the way in then walked to the water with it in his hole the lady followed him and started to talk to him she later started to fist him in the waters edge they came back and he had an american football and lubed it up and sat on it ,it went about halfway in bouncing on it while cary the mature bbw lady took pictures and video of all she later went with us to a cheap hotel but that another story 

husband loose ass

 my cuban husband has a very large loose hole that i used today in a cheap hotel i put my fist a bottle and double fisted him so loose that he would bend over and he was natualy gaped

  •  smalldick2
  • Interessi:
  • chubby gay guys or girls
  • Sesso
  • Uomo
  • Occupazione:
  • Sex toy tester
  • Data di nascita:
  • Novembre 1970
  • Gruppo etnico:
  • Altro
  • Situazione personale:
  • Relazione occasionale
  • Attitudini sessuali:
  • Bisessuale
  • Fumatore/fumatrice:
  • No
  • Altezza:
  • 150 cm 4 ft 11 in
  • Corporatura:
  • Robusto
  • Preferenze sessuali:
  • Piccolo
  • Educazione:
  • Laurea o equivalente
  • nazionalità:
  • Cuba
  • Paese di residenza:
  • United States
  • Stato, provincia o regione:
  • FL
  • Città o paese:
  • miami
  • Data di iscrizione:
  • 2013-07-27
  • Ultima visita:
  • Devi acquistare un'iscrizione per visualizzare queste informazioni.
  • Disponibile per Incontri:
  • Si
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