Wife's arse

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Love to show a friend my wife's arse after a night out. Could see her drunk and ***** on the bed. While me and my friend sit and have a drink. I go to check on her seeing her laying naked on the bed I as my friend to come see. Now what would you do.
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Pubblicato da: princesskia il 2024-01-30 13:14:01
My tongue would be on and in her sweet little holes as soon as you gave me the go ahead.
Pubblicato da: over_kill il 2024-01-30 19:33:50
bob that is such a nice ass man :D has she ever done anal?
Pubblicato da: girth55 il 2024-01-31 01:01:21
You would probably see my cum dripping out of her beautiful arse
Pubblicato da: Bobasire il 2024-02-01 19:20:07
That would make for some good photos
Pubblicato da: Bobasire il 2024-02-01 19:21:04
No she's never let me. Iv had a finger in but sadly she's said no
Pubblicato da: Bobasire il 2024-02-01 19:22:23
A quick lick while she lays *****