Chinese-America Wife - Dildo

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She typically says she doesn't like anything inside of her vagina other than my penis, but if I put some porn on my phone and let her watch, she becomes so addicted and aroused she'll let me put anything in her including this large dildo. I was
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Pubblicato da: over_kill il 2022-10-21 15:47:56
nice... nearly all the way in :D
Pubblicato da: yorkman69 il 2022-10-21 18:29:37
How big was that dildo ? she looks hot
Pubblicato da: 2rpm482 il 2022-10-22 00:41:18
Thank you! I think the dildo is about 9â€. It’s not all the way in because if i let go of it it slides back out a little. It can actually go all the way in almost to the scrotum. I really love her shapely milky thighs and very evenly full lush pubic hair. You can almost see her right hand holding a phone watching porn. Thats the only way she will let me play with her this way and for her vagina to open big enough. Glad you like it! If any requests just let me know.
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