Chinese American Wife

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This is my chinese wife, first time having a penis in both her vagina and her mouth. I got her aroused and wet enough to insert this large dildo in her vagina. I told her to ride it (bounce up and down) and then stood in front of her to have her perform
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Pubblicato da: over_kill il 2022-09-11 17:19:41
nice ass :D
Pubblicato da: 2rpm482 il 2022-09-13 12:48:33
Thanks!!! It’s definitely a handful.
Pubblicato da: yorkman69 il 2022-10-21 18:30:11
What a sexy ass she has
Pubblicato da: 2rpm482 il 2022-10-23 12:14:56
Thanks! Most Asian women tend to be smaller but she definitely has a very full set of buttocks.
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