Chinese-American Wife

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This is just a teaser pic of my wife. 100% Chinese, she was still lactating/nursing at the time so her breasts are very large and very full. Before that she was actually relatively flat chested. As you can see I enjoyed her breasts a lot during this t
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Pubblicato da: over_kill il 2022-06-24 13:19:55
breasts look good man :)
Pubblicato da: girth55 il 2022-06-24 15:35:07
As a self confessed breast man, that is a beautiful view!
Pubblicato da: 2rpm482 il 2022-07-01 07:31:14
Thanks for the comments! I didn't realize my photo description got cut off. What i wanted to say was that, she was fairly flat chested before, only a 34A, when she was at her height of lactating she looked huge (as in this photo) but her bra size was still only a 34B....weird! What I really like about this photo is being able to see the white bra strap in between her breasts when looking down her shirt.
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