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Pubblicato da: anon il 2019-02-24 18:20:05
fantastic cock!!
Pubblicato da: sophiaf07810 il 2019-03-20 04:58:40
Look at me now here: fantazm%2eonline#set_id=516043
Pubblicato da: anon il 2019-07-28 11:16:42
Hi Erecsean, nice thick cock! would you like to meet up with us so I can watch my wife feed it into her tight wet pussy? I love to watch her taking a strangers cock ball deep inside her and asking to be fucked and asking them to fill her with cum! She loves to feel them cumming inside her and it makes her cum all over their cock and her pussy clamps on really tight to drain every last drop out of them! We always have a great fuck afterwards either in front of you or when alone, happy for you to wank while watching us fuck and cumming over her pussy or tits. Might be quite near to you. Thanks f
Pubblicato da: anon il 2019-08-01 13:08:08
Hi Erecsean, As per my above post, lets meet up so I can watch you get your meat up!! we would like to meet at a hotel if possible and see if we can take things further! I like to watch my wife feeding a strangers cock into her pussy, she likes to rub the wet head up and down her clit and pussy before feeding it in to her tight wet pussy! she knows I like to hear her telling them to fuck her and to cum inside her! she is a great fuck and knows how to get the best from the cock inside her! I love to see her gaping pussy full of cum afterwards and slide my cock inside her full of cum! watch us f
Pubblicato da: anon il 2019-08-22 13:29:51
Hi Erecsean, As per my posts above, We would love to meet up for some fun! want to watch my wife feed your cock into her pussy and see the look on her face as you slide it balldeep inside her! I love to watch her taking another guys cock and she is a great fuck and knows how to get the best from the cock! I like to hear how much she is enjoying being fucked and her telling you to fuck her and fill her with cum! Thanks for posting and get in touch if you want to meet.
Pubblicato da: lorenzo1276 il 2020-02-22 12:10:45
you have one nice cock for my ass. mmmmm
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