Night Out in seamed stockings as a penance

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After spending too much in the sales my wife had to pay a penance. So she put on her seamed stockings and suspenders and we went out for the night. She had to flash her stockings and suspenders to men whenever she could. We went to the cinema where as she
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Posta un commento
Pubblicato da: anon il 2010-12-31 10:06:48
Where is the rest of the story ? Your wife has a wonderful wet pussy that I'd love to eat and fuck hard
Pubblicato da: longstayer40 il 2011-01-01 16:58:05
For More of this adventure see my profile and view the video series of the Night Out and Penenace
Pubblicato da: norahk61944 il 2019-03-23 20:22:25
Hi, add Susan94 to your friends on the site:
Pubblicato da: aliza19 il 2019-04-28 22:28:00
Hi there! What's up? I'm great. Just got out of the shower - HTTP://LIZA19.COM
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