jamieuk informazioni personali

  United Kingdom
  • jamieuk

  • Occupazione:
  • Interessi:
  • Sesso: Uomo
  • Data di nascita: 1968
  • Gruppo etnico: Bianco
  • Situazione personale:
  • Attitudini sessuali: Bisessuale
  • Fumatore/fumatrice: Si
  • Altezza: 193 cm 6 ft 4 in
  • Corporatura: Magro


been exploring my sub and bi sides, would like to be in touch with a hot fit dom uk guy for very discreet sexting and pic swap or pic tasks! in a relationship but would be up for meeting the right fit guy!

jamieuk video

 - Feeling the Fantasy
  •   8K
  •  04/06/09
  •  92%
 - Monochrome Morning
  •   6K
  •  28/05/09
  •  92%

jamieuk foto

jamieuk blog

Congratulations Nawty!!!!

I wanted to write a poem for LBN's graduation, but wanted it to fit in with Yuvu's philosophies, so I came up with this...


Now its time for graduation
Let’s all start the masturbation
Walk on stage, collect your prize
Then home, flick the bean and close your eyes
Think of cock and turn the vibe up high
You're not in math class, no need to be shy
Now the final grade has been awarded
Time for that G spot shudder can be afforded
You got an A so be really proud
And have an orgasm and be really loud
Walk on stage and smile and beam
Then back to bed to moan and scream
Hang that grad pic up on the wall
Then cum so hard you nearly fall
Live it up, be proud and enjoy the day
Then go home and fuck and play
Enjoy every minute of your graduation
Then enjoy every hour of your fornication!


Nawty Baby, I know how hard you have worked, I've seen the stress and attended the pity parties along the way lol - So I know how much you have earned the right to walk on stage and collect your qualification!  Have an absoulutely brilliant day, because, fuck do you deserve it!!!!  I'm so, so, so happy for you, and I knew my faith wasn't misplaced lol mwah mwah mwah



The clouds gathered and darkened overhead
Thunder rumbled like a hungry stomach unfed
The rain fell as the view of the sun was obliterated
The wind gathered pace and howled unabated
Without warning a girl knocked upon my door
Seeking sanctuary like so many before
She read my poems and read my prose
Smiled at my highs, cried at my lows
She stayed a while, we had a drink, and we had a kiss
Despite the cold, the afternoon was bliss
But all too soon the rain eased up
She drank the last dregs from her coffee cup
The sun broke through, lightness restored
The girl gazed out the window looking slightly bored
Although it seems hard to believe
She made her excuses and got up to leave
The old adage it seems is true
Any poet in a storm will do!

A Birthday Poem for Nawty

Nawty Baby - just a little present on your birthday - I hope you have the wonderful day you so deserve mwah  xoxo


It’s a shame sunflowers are out of season
But your birthday’s not the only reason
I wanted to give something special from me to you
It’s also to thank you for all the things that you do

So although the flower may be silk and plastic
Never doubt that I know you’re real and fantastic
And like our friendship bond that will never sever
You’ll always know this flower will last forever

Now as your birthday dawns I’ll just spend a while
Looking at those soft brown eyes and infectious smile
And I’ll think of that warm heart full of care
That means for you, I’ll be forever there


Sunrise Horizon

Thank you to everyone that posted a message on my last blog - a big mwah to you all ya big softies lol

And to those that said they would miss my poems - a little offering to show my inspiration is still in tact!

Sunrise Horizon

I’m sick of hearing about the effects of global warming
And of endless stories of The Beatles reforming
Why doesn’t the fact that John Lennon’s dead
Finally put that story once and for all to bed?

I’m sick of Iraq and of Afghanistan
The death and maiming of many a man
16 grand a year to be shot at and killed
16 grand a year for another grave to be filled

I’m sick of Mylene Klass on my TV screen
And of healthy low fat low taste cuisine
My viewing pleasure has reached new lows
With a plethora of TV chefs and talentless talent reality shows

I’m sick of cooking for one and eating alone
Just waiting for someone to throw me a bone
OK, I can do what I want and the freedom is bliss
But sometimes I just so want to feel your kiss

But in the grand scheme of things
You know what your presence brings
You’re the sunrise horizon on my life’s view
That’s why I’ll never be sick of you!

See you all soon!

mwah xoxo


Stepping Off The Merry-Go-Round.

A few things have happened lately in yuvu that have got to me, and affected me, more than they should, and for that reason I think I need to take a step away from the chat rooms.  Whether it’s a leave of absence or a permanent goodbye, I’m honestly not sure yet – I hope its the former, but I wanted to post this in case it’s the latter.

In the 15 months I have been here, I have made what I would call some very good friends.  I can’t mention you all, but one or two do deserve a special mention for being there in one way or another. 

Apple, GuitarGirl and SDS (or whatever you’re called these days lol) – thank you for being true friends, and being there when I needed an ear and a shoulder. 

Keyser and Delish, for bringing a laugh and intelligence to my little cyber world.

Exy –for just being you, and for that smile that lifts even the darkest storm and an attitude to life that gives me so much hope.

Pbear for the time and effort you put into putting my collection of poems together, I will always be grateful, and I’ll always think of you when I look at my little book!

Vixen, Sweet and Jelly for always putting on a damn good show and for realising I exist lol

To everyone who read and enjoyed my poems and stories or watched and looked at my pics and vids - thank you

But most importantly, of course – To my nawty baby, LBN – Thank you for so much – for being the best friend I could ever have wished for, for helping me through some really tough times and making the good times even better.  Also of course for being the sexiest woman I will ever know!! – I don’t think you’ll ever really know exactly what you do to me in so many ways!  It has been an honor and a huge joy to be so close to you, and long may that continue baby, I could never ever say goodbye to you xoxo

I will leave my profile here for those that enjoy my blogs and vids, and because of the special things posted there.   I will also still be online on MSN. I may even visit yuvu just to post the odd vid or set of pics and maybe I’ll be back in chat when I’ve got my head round a few things – But if not, thanks for the good times, take care, and enjoy!

So off I go on my sabbatical – free from the arrogant poseurs, the sickly fawners and the other things that annoy!

mwah xxx

A Sexy Story!

For those who like their erotic tales to be a little more detailed, and want something more from a story than it starting with his cock in her mouth and ending 2 paragraphs later with him making her cum 5 times, I have written a little piece of erotica that I hope manages to fuel your imagination and touch a piece of your mind and send a tingle through your naughty bits!!

It was too long to post as a blog, so I have put it in the stories section of the forum and have pasted the url link below:


If you read it, feel free to vote and leave a comment either on the story thread or on this blog.

Thank you xxx

sofiaj60069 said:
18+: fantazm%2eonline#jamieuk
sofiaj60069 said:
Look at me now here: fantazm%2eonline#jamieuk
angelenatv said:
Seems you know me more than I do (Blush)! and a poet to boot! How
wonderfully sexy. Kisses you know where love xxxxxxx
pussylover30 said:
U got an amazing body and would luv 2 swap pic and txts. If ur
interested msg me ur email address so we can get started ;)
-slurps- said:
It's a pity I can't see your videos no more just because
I'm not a member of yuvutu.
shvd28 said:
looks so hot
gaston1763 said:
excelent profile!!!
gerrytights said:
love pics jamie
englishpervevoyeur said:
fantastic profile . have fun n be safe xx
abbernathy said:
Thanks for accepting my friend request...I love your page and your way
with words...Abbey xx
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