Tutti i partecipanti sono almeno 18 anni di età.
hot_chocolate informazioni personali
- Occupazione:
- Interessi:
- Sesso: Uomo
- Data di nascita:
- Gruppo etnico: Nero
- Situazione personale:
- Attitudini sessuali: Eterosessuale
- Fumatore/fumatrice: Occasionalmente
- Altezza: 173 cm 5 ft 8 in
- Corporatura: Corporatura media
hot_chocolate video
hot_chocolate foto
hot_chocolate blog
jappahj said:
I wish you best Compliment of the
season,with hope that you are physically and healthy alright,l do
believe that this mail will reach in good condition. My name is Miss
Rebekah and i got your email in www.yuvutu.com and i think we can
make it together,please i would like you to contact me back through my
email address and i will tell you more about myself and also send you
my photo,as soon as you contact me back, Hopping for your lovely
reply soonest, Rebekah.
season,with hope that you are physically and healthy alright,l do
believe that this mail will reach in good condition. My name is Miss
Rebekah and i got your email in www.yuvutu.com and i think we can
make it together,please i would like you to contact me back through my
email address and i will tell you more about myself and also send you
my photo,as soon as you contact me back, Hopping for your lovely
reply soonest, Rebekah.
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