fabio12345 informazioni personali

  • fabio12345

  • Occupazione:
  • Interessi:
  • Sesso: Uomo
  • Data di nascita:
  • Gruppo etnico: Bianco
  • Situazione personale:
  • Attitudini sessuali: Eterosessuale
  • Fumatore/fumatrice:
  • Altezza: 172 cm
  • Corporatura: Corporatura media


ciao sono singol il mio nome skype e' fabio.misterioso chi vuole puo' aggiungermi

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charlotte2559 said:
B e s t S e x D a t i n g, open link ➪
misslove said:
Hello, greetings from Blessing, I apologies for intruding into
your privacy, since we don’t know each other, but pay attention and
understand my reason of contacting you Please don't be angry with
me my Dear i was browsing in this site and i saw your profile and
your email address so i decided it is better we communicate better
through email address for better talk and to tell you reason why i
contacted you. i am happy to get in contact with you after my
direction to find a nice trusted and sincere reliable friend I was
motivated to write to you after see your contact I know that this
email will meet you in a good health and also surprised.i am here to
seek your advice of which i know that it will helps me to overcome my
situation, i am presently single lady My dearest,In your usual
time, may it please you to write me back in my email address. So that
i will explain more about myself,my details,my pictures and purpose of
writing to you. Please do not neglect a humble and lonely heart.A good
friendship is the foundation build on other relative things to come. i
wait patiently to hear from you.Thanks and remain blessed here is my
email id blessingdickson369@yahoo.com Yours New Friend Blessing
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