Tutti i partecipanti sono almeno 18 anni di età.
durdenforsoap informazioni personali
United States
- Occupazione:
- Interessi:
- Sesso: Uomo
- Data di nascita: Aprile 1986
- Gruppo etnico: Bianco
- Situazione personale: Libero e single
- Attitudini sessuali: Eterosessuale
- Fumatore/fumatrice: Si
- Altezza: 6 ft 2 in
- Corporatura: Robusto
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eleanor9251 said:
Plzzz. Write me! I m waiting for you, open link >>>>>
knotsoinnocent said:
haha one of my fav movies of all time! i love me some tyler durden!
:) stellar movie. :) and thanks :) glad you like them....
:) stellar movie. :) and thanks :) glad you like them....
durdenforsoap said:
absofuckinlutely! It's been my screen name on everything for
over 10 years and you're one of the very few people to ever
figure it out. Congrats! Don't forget the first rule. Nice
tits by the way
over 10 years and you're one of the very few people to ever
figure it out. Congrats! Don't forget the first rule. Nice
tits by the way
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