clowny blog

I love this site...
Wow, I just love this site now that my husband doesn't use it any more and I can be free to do as I wish. I'm sure he still sneaks in here to peek but at least he's not breathing over my shoulder to see what I'm doing. Less pressure to do what I want and not what he wants is nice. He likes to push the bi experience down my throat and even though I enjoy it, I like taking my own time as I feel comfortable. The same with exposing myself on line. There are times and places for everything. I'm looking forward to some fun times and some fun viewing. XOXOXOX
Wow she gets horny ! !!
My wife is so hesitant to let me post her pictures that I have to get her drunk to get her to agree. Then after I post them, as soon as somebody replies with a horny comment, she gets so fucking horny that I get fucked to death. One guy started telling her how he would suck her titties and she came for 5 minutes as we fucked.
  •  clowny
  • Interessi:
  • Sesso
  • Donna
  • Occupazione:
  • Data di nascita:
  • Gruppo etnico:
  • Bianco
  • Situazione personale:
  • Relazione aperta
  • Attitudini sessuali:
  • Bisessuale
  • Fumatore/fumatrice:
  • No
  • Altezza:
  • 165 cm 5 ft 5 in
  • Corporatura:
  • Corporatura media
  • Preferenze sessuali:
  • Grande
  • Educazione:
  • Laurea o equivalente
  • nazionalità:
  • United States
  • Paese di residenza:
  • United States
  • Stato, provincia o regione:
  • Città o paese:
  • Data di iscrizione:
  • 2009-07-04
  • Ultima visita:
  • Devi acquistare un'iscrizione per visualizzare queste informazioni.
  • Disponibile per Incontri:
  • Si
Niente fino ad adesso.
  •   1K
  •  11/09/09
  •  100%
  •   1K
  •  29/08/09
  •  100%
  • max30000
  •   Italia
      49 anni
  • aldaflow
  •   Italia
      37 anni
  • impailer
  •   United Kingdom
      60 anni
  • n4xtube
  •   United States
  • call4ed
  •   United States
      77 anni
  • pussysucker
  •   United States
      45 anni
Niente fino ad adesso
Nessuno fino ad ora